Supported sources

Below is the complete list of connectors supported by RisingWave. Click a connector name to see the SQL syntax, options, and sample statement of connecting RisingWave to the connector.

To ingest data in formats marked with “T”, you need to create tables (with connector settings). Otherwise, you can create either sources or tables (with connector settings).

Kafka3.1.0 or later versionsJSON, Protobuf, Avro, Bytes, CSV, Upsert JSON (T), Upsert Avro (T), Upsert Protobuf (T), Debezium JSON (T), Debezium Avro (T), Maxwell JSON (T), Canal JSON (T), Debezium Mongo JSON (T)
RedpandaLatestJSON, Protobuf, Avro
Pulsar2.8.0 or later versionsJSON, Protobuf, Avro, Bytes, Upsert JSON (T), Upsert Avro (T), Debezium JSON (T), Maxwell JSON (T), Canal JSON (T)
KinesisLatestJSON, Protobuf, Avro, Bytes, Upsert JSON (T), Upsert Avro (T), Debezium JSON (T), Maxwell JSON (T), Canal JSON (T)
PostgreSQL CDC10, 11, 12, 13, 14Debezium JSON (T)
MySQL CDC5.7, 8.0Debezium JSON (T)
SQL Server CDC2019, 2022Debezium JSON (T)
MongoDB CDCDebezium Mongo JSON (T)
Citus CDC10.2Debezium JSON (T)
CDC via KafkaDebezium JSON (T), Maxwell JSON (T), Canal JSON (T)
Google Pub/SubJSON, Protobuf, Avro, Bytes, Debezium JSON (T), Maxwell JSON (T), Canal JSON (T)
Amazon S3LatestJSON, CSV, Parquet
Google Cloud StorageLatestJSON, CSV, Parquet
Azure BlobLatestJSON, CSV, Parquet
NATS JetStreamJSON, Protobuf, Bytes
Apache IcebergNo need to specify FORMAT
Load generatorBuilt-inJSON

When a source is created, RisingWave does not ingest data immediately. RisingWave starts to process data when a materialized view is created based on the source.

Supported formats

When creating a source, you need to specify the data and encoding formats in the FORMAT and ENCODE section of the CREATE SOURCE or CREATE TABLE statement. Below is the complete list of the supported formats in RisingWave.


For data in Avro format, you must specify a message and a schema registry. For Kafka data in Avro, you need to provide a Confluent Schema Registry that RisingWave can get the schema from. For more details about using Schema Registry for Kafka data, see Read schema from Schema Registry.

schema.registry can accept multiple addresses. RisingWave will send requests to all URLs and return the first successful result.

Please be aware that:

  • For Avro data, you cannot specify the schema in the schema_definition section of a CREATE SOURCE or CREATE TABLE statement.
  • The timestamp displayed in RisingWave may be different from the upstream system as timezone information is lost in Avro serialization.
  • RisingWave takes TopicNameStrategy as the default subject name strategy for the schema registry and looks for the schema with the subject name { topic name }-value.


    schema.registry = 'schema_registry_url [, ...]',

You can ingest Avro map type into RisingWave map type or jsonb:

    map.handling.mode = 'map' | 'jsonb'

Note that for map.handling.mode = 'jsonb', the value types can only be: null, boolean, int, string, or map/record/array with these types.


RisingWave allows you to read data streams without decoding the data by using the BYTES row format. However, the table or source can have exactly one field of BYTEA data.


Debezium Avro

When creating a source from streams in with Debezium AVRO, the schema of the source does not need to be defined in the CREATE TABLE statement as it can be inferred from the SCHEMA REGISTRY. This means that the schema file location must be specified. The schema file location can be an actual Web location, which is in http://..., https://..., or S3://... format, or a Confluent Schema Registry. For more details about using Schema Registry for Kafka data, see Read schema from Schema Registry.

schema.registry can accept multiple addresses. RisingWave will send requests to all URLs and return the first successful result.

ignore_key can be used to ignore the key part of given messages. By default, it is false. If set to true, only the payload part of the message will be consumed. In this case, the payload must not be empty and tombstone messages cannot be handled.


    message = 'main_message',
    schema.registry = 'schema_registry_url [, ...]',
    [ignore_key = 'true | false']

Upsert AVRO

When consuming data in AVRO from Kafka topics, the FORMAT and ENCODE sections need to be specified as UPSERT and AVRO respectively. RisingWave will be aware that the source message contains key fields as primary columns, as well as the Kafka message value field. If the value field of the message is not null, the row will be updated if the message key is not empty and already exists in the database table, or inserted if the message key is not empty but does not exist yet in the database table. If the value field is null, the row will be deleted.

schema.registry can accept multiple addresses. RisingWave will send requests to all URLs and return the first successful result.


   schema.location = 'location' | schema.registry = 'schema_registry_url [, ...]',


RisingWave decodes JSON directly from external sources. When creating a source from streams in JSON, you can define the schema of the source within the parentheses after the source name or specify a schema.registry. Specify the data and encoding formats in the FORMAT and ENCODE sections. You can directly reference data fields in the JSON payload by their names as column names in the schema.

schema.registry can accept multiple addresses. RisingWave will send requests to all URLs and return the first successful result.


   schema.registry = 'schema_registry_url [, ...]',
   [schema.registry.username = 'username'],
   [schema.registry.password = 'password']
   ) ]

Canal JSON

RisingWave supports the TiCDC dialect of the Canal CDC format. When creating a source from streams in TiCDC, you can define the schema of the source within the parentheses after the source name (schema_definition in the syntax), and specify the data and encoding formats in the FORMAT and ENCODE section. You can directly reference data fields in the JSON payload by their names as column names in the schema.



Debezium JSON

When creating a source from streams in Debezium JSON, you can define the schema of the source within the parentheses after the source name (schema_definition in the syntax), and specify the data and encoding formats in the FORMAT and ENCODE sections. You can directly reference data fields in the JSON payload by their names as column names in the schema.

Note that if you are ingesting data of type timestamp or timestamptz in RisingWave, the upstream value must be in the range of [1973-03-03 09:46:40, 5138-11-16 09:46:40] (UTC). The value may be parsed and ingested incorrectly without warning.

ignore_key can be used to ignore the key part of given messages. By default, it is false. If set to true, only the payload part of the message will be consumed. In this case, the payload must not be empty and tombstone messages cannot be handled.


   [ ignore_key = 'true | false ' ]
) ]

Debezium Mongo JSON

When loading data from MongoDB via Kafka topics in Debezium Mongo JSON format, the source table schema has a few limitations. The table schema must have the columns _id and payload, where _id comes from the MongoDB document’s id and is the primary key, and payload is type jsonb and contains the rest of the document. If the document’s _id is type ObjectID, then when creating the column in RisingWave, specify the type of _id as varchar. If the document’s _id is of type int32 or int64, specify the type of _id as int or bigint in RisingWave.



Maxwell JSON

When creating a source from streams in Maxwell JSON, you can define the schema of the source within the parentheses after the source name (schema_definition in the syntax), and specify the data and encoding formats in the FORMAT and ENCODE sections. You can directly reference data fields in the JSON payload by their names as column names in the schema.



Upsert JSON

When consuming data in JSON from Kafka topics, the FORMAT and ENCODE sections need to be specified as UPSERT and JSON respectively. RisingWave will be aware that the source message contains key fields as primary columns, as well as the Kafka message value field. If the value field of the message is not null, the row will be updated if the message key is not empty and already exists in the database table, or inserted if the message key is not empty but does not exist yet in the database table. If the value field is null, the row will be deleted.

You can define the schema of the source within the parentheses after the source name or specify a schema.registry. schema.registry can accept multiple addresses. RisingWave will send requests to all URLs and return the first successful result.


   schema.registry = 'schema_registry_url [, ...]',
   [schema.registry.username = 'username'],
   [schema.registry.password = 'password']
   ) ]


To consume data in CSV format, you can use ENCODE PLAIN FORMAT CSV with options. Configurable options include delimiter and without_header.


    delimiter = 'delimiter',
    without_header = 'false' | 'true'

The delimiter option is required, while the without_header option is optional, with a default value of false.


Parquet format allows you to efficiently store and retrieve large datasets by utilizing a columnar storage architecture. RisingWave supports reading Parquet files from object storage systems including Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage (GCS), and Azure Blob Storage.




For data in protobuf format, you must specify a message (fully qualified by package path) and a schema location. The schema location can be an actual Web location that is in http://..., https://..., or S3://... format. For Kafka data in protobuf, instead of providing a schema location, you can provide a Confluent Schema Registry that RisingWave can get the schema from. For more details about using Schema Registry for Kafka data, see Read schema from Schema Registry.

schema.registry can accept multiple addresses. RisingWave will send requests to all URLs and return the first successful result.

For protobuf data, you cannot specify the schema in the schema_definition section of a CREATE SOURCE or CREATE TABLE statement.

If you provide a file location, the schema file must be a FileDescriptorSet, which can be compiled from a .proto file with a command like this:

protoc -I=$include_path --include_imports --descriptor_set_out=schema.pb schema.proto


   message = 'com.example.MyMessage',
   schema.location = 'location' | schema.registry = 'schema_registry_url [, ...]',

For more information on supported protobuf types, refer to Supported protobuf types.

General parameters for supported formats

Here are some notes regarding parameters that can be applied to multiple formats supported by our systems.


The timestamptz.handling.mode parameter controls the input format for timestamptz values. It accepts the following values:

  • micro: The input number will be interpreted as the number of microseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z in UTC.
  • milli: The input number will be interpreted as the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z in UTC.
  • guess_number_unit: This has been the default setting and restricts the range of timestamptz values to [1973-03-03 09:46:40, 5138-11-16 09:46:40) in UTC.
  • utc_string: This format is the least ambiguous and can usually be correctly inferred without needing explicit specification.
  • utc_without_suffix: Allows the user to indicate that a naive timestamp is in UTC, rather than local time.

You can set this parameter when using the format plain | upsert | debezium encode json command, but not when using format debezium_mongo | canal | maxwell encode json.